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Spectra Gel

Item #: 460-8030
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2 Review(s)
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Customer Reviews

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  1. Spectra Gel acts as a virtual e-stim amplifier. Review by EstimJim

    Plain and simple Spectra Gel gives you more stimulation from your e-stim toys. I use it with all of my electrodes no matter if they are for my penis, ass or one of my multiple tens units. (Posted on 5/6/10)

  2. Extended the life of my pads and gave me more juice from my accessories Review by AC/DC

    I have to say this was a pretty cool discovery that I was not aware of until I talked to the staff at TC.

    Not, only have I extended the life of my pads, but I get a lot more juice out of the estim accessories. It really helps having people know the people you are dealing with know their product so well. Hats off girls, you bring me to my knees.

    (Posted on 4/16/10)

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