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Low Cost 2 Quart Enema Kit

Item #: 300-9005
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Quick Overview

This 2 quart enema bag kit is a great low cost way to start your enema explorations.

The 2 Quart Enema Bag Kit is great value for those on a budget and those that may want to test the waters of the world of enema play.

This is a standard off the shelf (drug store style) enema kit that includes a 2 quart bottle, bottle hanger, hose, vaginal douche nozzle & enema nozzle and shut off clamp; essentially every thing you need to experience an enema.

Features at a Glance

  • Great kit for an intro into enemas
  • Low price makes it easy to purchase
  • Everything you need to get started

Low Cost 2 Quart Enema Kit Specs:

  • Latex rubber enema bottle is 12 inches long and 7 inches wide.
  • Enema hose is approximately 5 feet long.
  • The vaginal douche tip 6 inches long.
  • While the included enema tip is 3 inches long.

The 2 Quart Enema Bag Kit is a great low cost solution for those interested in experimenting in the wonderful world of enema play.

General Enema Procedure for 2 Quart Enema Bottle:

1) Glide shut-off clamp over the enema hose and close clamp.
2) Attach enema nozzle to clamped end of the enema hose.
3) Fill the enema bottle two thirds with slightly warm tap water. 
4) Secure enema adapter cap fitting by turning clockwise on the enema bottle.
5) If using an enema solution, cover adapter opening with thumb and carefully shake to mix.
6) Connect adapter cap to the free end of the enema hose.
7) Expel air in tubing by quickly releasing and closing the shut-off clamp.
8) Attach hook to the hang tab on the enema bottle. Hang the enema bottle by the hook approximately three feet above your hips.
9) Apply a lubricant such as Surgi-Lube part# 460-2000 to the enema nozzle.
10) In bathtub (for best control of stray fluid), lie down and position knees upward. Gently insert enema nozzle.
11) Release shut-off clamp to allow enema fluid to flow smoothly.

This entire enema kit can be clean with warm water with a small amount of anti-bacterial soap, rinse and allow to air dry.

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